15 Ramadhan juga menjadi tanggal berlangsungnya perang besar
umat Islam. Ialah Perang Ain Jalut yang tercatat dalam sejarah Islam sebagai
kemenangan besar. Bagaimana tidak? Di perang inilah, Mongol pertama kalinya
mengalami kekalahan perang sejak era Jengis Khan.
Mongol yang terkenal kuat itu mampu dipukul mundur pasukan
muslimin dari tanah Syam, di kawasan Gaza. Pemimpin pasukan muslimin dipegang
oleh Sultan Mesir, Saifuddin Quthuz. Ia dibantu panglima perangnya yang hebat,
15 Ramadhan 658 Hijriyyah, dua pasukan bertemu di kawasan Ain
Jalut. Tentara Mongol datang dengan jumlah yang besar. Namun pasukan muslimin
memiliki strategi perang yang hebat. Pasukan muslimin pun membuat Mongol kabur
melarikan diri.
#sirah #kisah #kisahislam #kisahislami #sejarahislam #ottoman #mongol #perangainjalut
#ramadhan2018 #ramadan #sejarahramadhan #aktivitasramadhananak #anakmuslim
#aktivitasramadhan #aktivitasanaks #parenting #parentingislami #14ramadhan
It is simply dishonest to characterize the financial system as doing nicely. On the financial system, highlighting the last quarter’s decline in GDP isn't a “falsehood.” Although it's right that GDP grew in previous quarters, the characterization that the financial system is great isn't. The last quarter is all the time crucial and predictive, if could be} any prediction in any respect. The ongoing lack of ability of the Lions protection to adequately deal with velocity working across the sphere as a substitute of vertically pressing them stays the one largest weak point on the team. The Colts uncovered and exploited this of 카지노 their joint practices in coaching camp and the Lions haven't found a solution yet despite attempting quantity of} different tactics. More velocity and awareness at slot CB, S and LB are sorely needed this offseason.